Make a donation to the
CHD Families Association
in honor/memory of a loved one.
Or, make a donation in the name of a special doctor, nurse, therapist or surgeon who has touched your child’s life. A certificate will be sent to the recipient showing you have made a donation in his/her name. |

In appreciation for excellent care after surgery or transplant
CHD Awareness Day, February 14th
Doctor’s Day, March 30th
National Volunteer Week, April 17-23
Nurse’s Day, May 6th
Christmas and other winter holidays
Be advised when you use paypal to make a donation in honor or memory of someone, Paypal does not give you the option to enter a name. You will receive a follow up email confirming your donation and asking who you would like to donation in honor or memoryof and other pertinent information. Thank you
The Congenital Heart Defects Families Association is a Kansas City area federal not-for-profit working to bring comfort and support to area families affected by congenital heart defects. Support groups, distribution of educational literature, free summer camp for heart kids and comfort items for children undergoing cardiac procedures are the Association's main focus. Additionally, the Association functions to raise money and awareness to promote congenital heart defects research through a variety of projects. One hundred percent volunteer run, the CHD FamiliesAssociation strives to maximize investment in its work, not its overhead. We are the only support system in the Kansas City area for children with heart defects and their families. |
Why should I donate money to the Congenital Heart Defects Families Association, and where does it all go?
So many of you already know the answer to this question as you have been supported in some way by the Association in your new role as a “CHD family.” Whether it was a blanket or carepackage being delivered to your child after heart surgery, the comfort of our support group and Facebook page, or a trip to CHD Families Camp Systole, we can’t exist without donations.
What your donation can do:
$10 - can buy toy for a hospitalized child.
$25 - can feed dinner to a hospitalized child’s family.
$35 - can provide a “Carepackage from the Heart” for a hospitalized child & family.
$50 - can provide fabric for 5-6 custom “Blankets from the Heart.”
$100+ - can help fund a day at CHD Famlies Camp Systole for a heart child to experience camp with the safety of medical professionals.
In Honor of Grace Venneman
Grace's Warrior Posse
In Memory of our Grandson Ryder Newman on his 9th birthday
Designated for Camp Systole
His grandparents
In Memory of Finley Becker
Natalia Kreinbring
In Memor of Henry James Caudle on His 6th birthday
Kingsley Riggs
In Honor of Emery Laine Gattis
Her parents
In Honor of Grace A Venneman
The Venneman Family
Pillar Patient Advocates
In Memory of Carol Douglas
The Wilmott Family Fund
In honor of Jonathan Campbell
Family of Jonathan Campbell
Christine Anderson
In memory of Johnny Eason
The Bertrands
In honor of Jackson Pfister
Jennifer Lien
American Online Giving
Susan Cunningham
In Memory of Lynn Goodman and in Honor of Jacob Goodman
Jon and Terri Berning
Ellen Eaton
Zeferino and Violeta Arroyo
Dennis and Jill Chelemedos
Main and Palmer Family Dentistry
Chuck and Xandra Waggoner
Stuff-Kurt and Kendra Giebler
Chris and Christine Cupp
Larry O'Bleness
Keller and Miller
Roland and Janice WInters
Jeff and Becky Turner
Toma and Susan Waller
Greg Long
Linda Sulzman and LaVern Dietz
Jean Ann and Rob Bowman
Time and Patrica McGonagle
Ken and Julie Carter
Francis and Kathy Britton
Rex and Ann Rowh
Pam McDaniel
Bill and Lois Heilman
Mike Berend
Burton Rose
Gary and Claudia Skibbe
Georgia Rowh
Sheldon Snyder
Brookover Cattle Co
John and Bobbie Burgess
Jode Rowe and James Appel
Sage and Kori Davis
Kenneth and Candy Rayhaut
Bill and Kani JOhn
Rean and Jill Wessels
Donna Nichols
Scott County Lumber
Chuck and Maggie Morrison
Sam and Nye Brookover
Verna Webber
Ken and Judy Arpin
Brad and Susan Boulware
Davie and Terri Conatser
Terry and Pam McDaniel
Danny and Michelle Morris
David McDaniel and Tammy Wackerla
Stacey and Kyle Hoeme
Lee Construction, Inc.
Dan and Lynn Weides
Care WIlkens
Tina and Stacey Ellis
Jay and Rita Rowh
Gary and Shirely Stapp
Kath, Shane, Sheldon and Reed Sulzman
Harry LaToush
In Memory of Martha Janke Rexin
The Wall family
Loraine Bruhel
Susan M Brown
in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Paul and Paula Orth
Beth Jolliff
In recognition of an awesome student, Matthew Ringo
CHD Families Camp Systole In-Kind Donations
Toplikar/Eidemiller Families
Stacey Gibson
Teri Becker - Chippies and Pipsqeeks
Lois Seebes
Melinda Yetmer
The Morgan Family - in Memory of Joshua
The Alverez Family
The Pasco Family
The Beebe Family
Kellie Ball
Brian and Jen Krupich
Easley Family
Jamie Leroy
Amy and Joey Arena
In honor of Lydia's birthday Nana and Papa
Mary Summers in Honor of Lydia's birthday.
Bridges-Simpson family
Candi McReynolds
The Stoneking Family
The Cornwell Family
The Coffman Family
Abbey Hussey
Tiffany Pringle
Jessica Courter
Jayme Taylor
Riggs Family in honor of Lydia's birthday.
Caudle Family in memory of Henry
Jesse family
Jill Braune
Jessica Courter
Jayme Taylor
Mackenley Crowley and family
Tiffany Pringle
Lynch Family
Tiffany Weisgerber
Deidra Jesse
Mitchell family
Karen Craig in Memory of Sophia
Matthews Family
Camps for Kids 2019 Donations
Bingler, Michael
Undernehr, Phoebe
Walden-Forrest, Karyn
Burr, Sarah
All Seasons Air Conditioning & Heating
Banwart, Bruce
Von Elling, Jane
Headley, Vicki
Weddle, Leslie
Missouri/Kansas Association For Cardiology
Eidemiller, Donald
Horvat, Joan
Storm, Jennie
Haas, Stacey
Raghuveer, Geetha
Wagner, Vicki
Sauer, Shane
Welch, Kathi
Sarah Stoneking
Naden, Catherine
Ringo, K.J.
McNellis, Sandra
Zainea, John Paul
Reorganized School District of Lawson
Herd, Melissa
Knudsen, Janice
Parnell, Dale
Jones, Winston
Hall, Robert
Dreasher, Mary
Dupanovic, Mirsad
Wells, Betty
Gelatt, Mark
Desmarteau-Shump, Michelle
Becker, Teri
LaSala, Lily
Geiler, Brenda
Ball, Kellee
Francis, Rebecca
Mitchell, Kristen
Loriaux, Patricia
Porter, Diane
Simpson, Paul
Moreno, Christy
Senn, Pennie
Corl, Heather
Stratton, Laura
Hendrickson, Teri
Bridges, Julia
Bridges, James
Ringo, Barbara
In Memory of Paxton House
Erica and Tyson Ostroski
In Memory of James Westhues
and in honor of his pal Mindy, CHD Survivor
Doris Bradke
Joe and Janet Kolich
Jm and Donna Vaczi
Bill and Mary Treu
Doug and Jeanne Westhues
Jack Boschert
Vada Westhues
Marc Pasley
Matthew Hurd
Sharon Barber
Randy Wadle
Shelia Wadle
Jan Von Elling
Kevin Westhues
Brenda Brumbaugh
Jasmine Shepard
Joan Bryan
Sandi Crow
Mary Dykmann
Judith Ware
Paula Hansen
Heartland Soccer Association
Christine Martin
Pete Roman
Benita Craft
Jeff Bates
Cindy Sayler
Heather Anderson
Camp Systole 2019
In honor of Trenton
Justin Klatt
In Memory of Johnny Eason
The Bertrands
In memory of John Wilford Nowak
Stephanie Kates
To honor Baby Nash and his parents Matt and Keva
The Woehrmans
For Theo McClun - thanks to great docs, your strength, and God's grace we celebrate your first birthday!
George Nicholson
For Lydia Riggs who will be old enough to attend camp in a few years!!
Mary Summers
In memory of Robert Ledbetter
Don Richardson
James and Judith Wion
Camps for Kids 2018 Donations
Nickey Crail
Jeanie Petersen
Vicki Headley
Kathi Welch
Pat Pritchett
Kristina Handley
James O'Brien
Gelatt, Mark Gelatt
Michael Bingler
Cathy Harris
Jenni Bennett
Renee Cook
Stacey Gibson
Edith Neeves
Carey Bickford
Jane Von Elling
Nicole Daley
Mary Woltkamp
All Seasons Air Conditioning and Heating
Joan Horvat
Sarah Lagergren
Megan McFarland
In memory of Sophia - Walden-Forrest Family
Shannon Lysaught
Kirk Hoskins
Rhonda Fort
Tina King
The Jones Family
The Sauer Girls
Rachel Snider
The Ringos
Keith Herd
Salina Guns and Hoses
Janice Kundsen
Mary Dreasher
Reorganized School District of Lawson
LK Fashion Solutions
Rachel Snider
Kathi Weltch
Donald and Sandi Eidemiller
Teri Becker
2018 Camp Systole in-kind donations
Bickford Family
Dudgeon Family
Amy and Joey Arena
Spencer Family
Matthew Family
Clayton Family
Smith Family
Stoneking Family
Pasco Family
Rawley Family
In memory of Finley - Teri Becker
Corl Family
Simpson-Bridges Family
Morgan Family
Snider Family
Bridges-Simpson Family
Grand Ledge Public Schools
In honor of Ryan and Leah's wedding
Thomas Phillips
Melissa Hill
Megan Pabon
Alexandrea Griffith
Jennifer Oyola
Jan Foresee
In honor of Rita
CMH Echo Lab
In Honor of Johnny Eason
The Bertrand Family
Donations to the CHD Families inpatient fund
In memory of
Howard F. Miller
and William H. Cunningham
Jim and Sue Pierce
Mary and Randy Harwerth
Phyllis Rutler
Chad Ulreich
Carol and Lynn Sheppard
In Memory of James Eidemiller
Lowell and Marla Christy
Dennis and Foy Egbert
Benjamin Stables
Michael and Linda Mesh
Martha and John Stack
Camps for Kids 2017 donations
CHD Babies
Sarah Lageren
Alicia Clayton
All Seasons Air Conditioning & Heating
Amber Hoffman
Amy Lay
Barbara Ringo
Beth Hem
Carrie M Easley
Claravon Mathews
Cristi Smith
Cynthia Carroll
Girish Shirali
James and Lina O'Brien
Julie Martin
Julie Thomas
Keith Hudson
Kellee Ball
Kelly Tieves
Kim Toplikar
Mark Gelatt
Mary Woltkamp
Melissa Herd
Nickey Crail
Nicole Daley
Noel Clayton
Pamela Barham
Pat Pritchett
Renee Weatherman
Richard Barrette
Ryan Dillie
S&S Reel Manufacturing, Inc.
Salina Guns and Hoses
Sandra Eidemiller
Sarah Stirtz
Shane Sauer
Stacey Gibson
Stephen Kaine
Svjetlana Tisma-Dupanovic
Theresa King
Tina King
Torrie Ellis
Veronica Joseph
Vickie Headley
Wichita Federal Credit Union
Winston F Jones
In-Kind donations for Camp Systole
Toplikar family - Golf carts
AHA - Snacks for campers and goody bags for parent symposium
Walkie talkies
Proforma - Water bottles
Medtronics - Snacks
Parker and Salina Guns and Hoses - a million snacks
CHD Babies - Run for Little Hearts
In memory of Cassidy Pellman on her 7th birthday
Grandma and Grandpa Majerle
Andrews Family Foundation
Emma Consiglio and Emily Rodriquez
In honor of Anna Lee Ruckman Brown
and in honor of Violet Allen
Pat and June Abplanalp
Mark and Joann Abplanalp
Nick and Brenda Abplanalp
Sue Adcock
Woodson and Judy Joiner
John and Melinda Nunez
Beverley and Mike ruckman
In Honor of Joel Daley
Marilyn Vrana
In honor of Jack Neeser
Matt Piorier
In honor of #givingtuesday
Leslie Smith
Kyle Peterson
Barbara Ringo
Gail Rigney
Amy Arena
Donating in honor of our heart warriors Connor and Nathan Smith - the smith family
Camp Systole 2016 donations
Preceptor Beta Sigma
In honor of Julie and Atley -Anonymous
All Seasons Air Conditioning & Heating
Daley, Nicole
Corl, Heather
Crail, Nickey
Petersen, Kyle
Pascoe, Shane
Hamilton Masonry, Inc.
Petersen, Jeanie
Callaway, Craig
Banwart, Bruce
Handley, Kristina
Warta, Ashley
Elling, Jane Von
Kaine, Stephen
Platt, Jessica
Schmaus, Amanda
Stalnaker, Brandie
Toplikar, Kim
James and Lina O'Brien
Amanda Boyce
Craig Calloway
Jennifer New
Shane Pasco
Krissy Ringo
Laurie Bancroft
Amanda Farris
Christine Guthrie
Lisa Jones
Kathleen Kerr
Storm Management LLC
Carey Bickford
Michael Bingler
Deanna Brunton
Steve Eichinger
Elisha Froetschner
Mark Gelatt
Shane Sauer
Cristi Smith
Rebecca Stoneking
Brandi Stratman
Brenda Von Elling
Michael Ann VanMarter
Vickie Headley
Crystal Burnett
Carrie Easley
Rita France
Mark Giebler
Angela and Jason Hansen
Beth Hem
Joshua Hurlbert
Harry and Gail Janke
Jazzercise Great Bend Fitness Center
Maria Johnson
Megan McFarland
Cristin Rogers
Pat Rush
Dr. Girish Shirali
Renee Weatherman
Mary Woltkamp
Renee' Armbruster
Kellee Ball
Carrie Benson
Deanna Brunton
Rebecca McMullen
Megan Cottrell
Ruth Ellis
Sheila Ellis
Torrie Ellis
Denise Haas
Megan Jensen
Andrea Kiefer
Theresa King
Shannon Lysaught
Bekah Meyerkorth
Julianne Owen
Timothy Penner
Rebecca Stoneking
Anna Wade
Cynthia Carroll
Patricia Hutchison
Danielle Klatt
Kelly Manz
Alice Murr
Barbara Ringo
Alicia Clayton
Dreher Creech
Sandra Eidemiller
Melissa Herd
Claravon Mathews
Melissa Pratt
In honor of Camp Systole and in memory of Sophia
The Walden-Forrest family
Karen Craig
In honor of CHD Families
The Yeamans
The Willis Foundation
CHD Babies
Honda of Tiffany Springs
In memory of Johnny Eason
Camps for Kids 2015 donations
Cheyenne Ade
Haley Bell
Kimberly Bulloc
Amy Lay
Sanket Shah
Kellee Ball
Kristina Handley
Carrie Pritchett
Kathi Welch
Sara Burr
Nickey Crail
Mark Gelatt
Stacey Gibson
Kim Toplikar
Nicole Daley
Thomas Mannion
Vickie Headley
Natalie Jayaram
Girish Shirali
Jonathan Bacon
Martha Carter
Lori Erickson
Heather Corl
Meghan Nugent
Celeste Mannion
Brenda Von Elling
The Getmans
Amanda Boyce
Kyle Peterson
Beth Lang
Pamela Barham
Svjetlana Tisma-Dupanovic
Diane Ball
Andrew Breuer
Jerrod Brown
Colene Homa
Cristi Smith
Pam August
Jeff Bowles
Gail and Harry Janke
Laura Stratton
Deborah Ward
Jason and Angela Hansen
Suma Gourdar
Michael Bingler
Sandra Eidemiller
Pat Rush
Susan Mohan
Jean Petersen
Rebekah Wilson
Barry and Rosemarie Clair
Matthew Ringo
Stoneking, Rebecca
Megan Jensen
James and Lina O'Brien
2015 Camp Systole Donations
In Honor of Ashley Warta
Cindy Warta
Mariners Foundation
Children's Mercy Hospital
In Honor of Jacob Gerken
Metro North Kohls
In memory of Diana Hart
and in honor of Jaxon Kuhn
Jim and Carolyn Sturgeon
Curtis and Barbara Reinhardt
Larry and Pam Kuhn
In Memory of Johnny Eason
The Bertrands
In honor of Henry Hermon
robert bonsen
In Memory of Delylah Harris
From your friends in the HHPR Department at Pittsburg State University
In Honor of Camden Ivey
Mona Venters
In loving memory of Michael B. Roberts-Yeager
from his family, friends, and Michael's soldiers.
We love and miss you forever "Cowboy".
In Memory of Delylah
The Harris Family
My daughter Carlie Gaile Borja
Claire Borja
2014 Camp Systole Donations through Camps for Kids
Kellee Ball
Ray and Kathy Delia
Pamela Barham
Sarah Burr
Lori Erickson
Stacey Haas
Ann Klumeier
Julie Martin
Micheale Huskings
Dawn Tucker
Heather Corl
Christine Guthrie
Tamara Hamilton
Barbara Ringo
Nicole Vrana
Steve Kaine
Clifford Lovett II
Jennifer Crownover
Elvira Eichleay
Edward Metcalfe
Scott Starenchak
Nathan Nassif
Matthew Dearth
Pamela Dennis
Lewis Hitzrot
Jennifer Swihart
Thomas Mannion
Kim Toplikar
Robin Waers
Dianna Connelly
Amy Lay
Kathy Perryman
Heath Roberts
Martha Carter
Kristina Handley
Carrie Pritchett
Kelly Tieves
Jim O'Brien
Mike Bingler
Other Camp Systole Donations 2014
In Honor of Noah Hutchison
from his favorite Aunt
Kim Slatier
In Memory of Delylah
and in honor of Dawn Tucker
The Harris Family
In Kind Donation for Camp Systole 2014
MedTronics - Tshirts
Kansas City WoodWorkers Guild - 105 Wooden trucks
Target - gift card
Dick's Sporting Goods - Gift Card
Shadowbuddies - backpacks and Shadowbuddies
15 dozen mini cookies from Panera Bread
Costco gift card.
Icing Smiles
Toplikar Family - golf carts
Vaughn family - walkie talkies
Truitt Family - slushy machine and all supplies
wood kits donated by Home Depot
Painting Class for campersThirsty Pallete
Boardwalk Walmart
Einstein Brothers
American Heart Assocation
Icing Smiles
Johnson County Equipment Rental
Kamden's Hope 4 Hearts Donations
Erin and Doug Kerrigan
Travis and Heather Furst
Judy and Paul Albers
Leda and Paul Beaver
Vivian and Wade Broussard
Clint Bullock
Mel and Sue Sauder
Grandpa Kelley
Amanda and Michael Maggard
Chad and Teresa Seltman
Mom and Dad
Steven and Nicole Jackson
Robbie and Stacy Kurtz
Vickie Loos
Kirby and Chris Dees
Jena and Dean Heflin
Chuck Easterling
Kim Hudson
Tom and Paula Osterloh
Ken and Ruth Bradley
Stacy Calhoun
Pat Desruisseau
Ceramic Tool Company
Malcolm & Shirley Meyer
Eleanor Janke
James Barb Construction
Richard Haas
Austin Nichols Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Carruthers
Kathy Berthelson
John and Shannon Oien
DB Construction
Cary and Pam DeCamp
Clifford and Sherlyn Lee
Bernard Zarda
Karen Miller
Jeans Day
Trinity Logistics
In Honor of Violet and Oliver
from their great grandma's estate
In honor of Camden Ivey
Venters family
In Honor of their daughter
The Sauer Family
In Memory of Kalvin Elmo Burnett
From AAKC Board of Directors
In honor of the Derr (Ethan and Ryan) and Froetschner (Braxton) families
Dianne Feeley
Many donations in honor of CHD Families
100 Women Who Care KC
In memory of my son Landon Everett Otto
Jennifer Heaton
In honor of CHD Families
Monthly donations
Joseph Rayesky
In honor of Connor James Smith
His parents
In honor of
Braxton Froetchner, and Ethan and Ryan Derr
Crystal Brown
Noah Tyson
The Tilly Family
In memory of Mark Brewer
and in honor of CHD Warrior Matthew Ringo
Barbara Ringo
Susie Youngen
Tiffany Fellowship Church
John Thomas and Friends at Nextaff
Christian Chapel
Gary and Penny Fish
Bert and Marilyn Masters
Med Act Employees association
Phyllis Anderson
Pastors John and Christine and the Chapel Church Family
In Honor of Colin Hallier
Aunt Megan
"Merry Christmas!!!"
In memory of KayLeigh Jean Bowen.
I love you,
Love, Aunt RaChelle and Carter
In memory of Mark Brewer
and in honor of CHD Warrior Matthew Ringo
Barbara Ringo
Susie Youngen
Tiffany Fellowship Church
John Thomas and Friends at Nextaff
Christian Chapel
Gary and Penny Fish
Bert and Marilyn Masters
In Honor of Colin Hallier
Aunt Megan
In Memory of Noah Paul Tyson
The Tilly Family
Michael and Pamela Kerr
Balanced Financial Planning
James and Linda Illiff
Leroy and Linda Spiess
Joe Duncan Family
Aspen Healthcare Consulting
Seigfried, Bingham, Levy, Seltzer& Gee. P.C
Ashli Estes
Jimmy and Orvilla Grenz
Ronnie and Linda Estes
Zach and Lori Barnes and Family
Aaron and Tasha Bucher and Family
Duane and Jo Ann Skorupan
Gutschenritter & Johnson LLC
Cheri Kern
David Seyer
Christopher and Rose Kopecky
Kland Rohnda and Alex Scantlin
Shirley Martin and Cindy Martin
Joel and Ann Ekis
Mary and Doug Boessen
Steven and Ronda Burchard
Dan, Missy, Sam and Quincey Hubert
Kyle and Missy Huntington
Allison Sanders
Dan and Theresa Van Goethem
Debbie Rolwing
Curtis, Allison, Trenton, and Bridget Brungardt
The Chapman Family
Todd Schultz
The Adamson Family (James, Abby, Will, Ben & Samantha
Kelli Kern
Jennifer Meinkoth, Memorial Hospital, Belleville, IL
Anna Hooper, Pam Finnell, Julie Davis, Adele Hoch, Carol Schmidt, Emily Perkins
Lisa Kresha
Lisa Kresha
Barbara Bruni
Answer Pro Limited
Samuel and Beverly Byrd
Kent and Leslie Rose
Barbara Troy
Winston and Suzanne Jones
The Desmarteau Family
Lester and Janet Derley
Matthew and Janet Wahoff
Jay and Lisa Huxman
Ronald and Arnita Schultz
Chick and Jane Nicolay
Familly of Noah Paul Tyson
Elizabeth and Thomas Hudak
In memory of Noah’s 13th Birthday
The Hanson Family
The Mitchell Family
The Roy Family
Melanie Ulland
The Pitcher Family
In Honor of Dr. Karina Carlson
Andrew, Jenn, Chloe, Sophia, and Finley Bilen
In Memory of Lydia Johnston
Joyce Odom
In honor of Finley Bilen
Matt, Katie, Bella, and Noah Mitchell
In Memory of Wyatt James Greeno
Ashley Price
In memory of Tristan Fairbanks
3 boxes of material
Aunt Nancy
In honor of Sophia Fazel
And in memory of her grandmother
Carol Crain
Family and friends
Handmade Blankets
In honor of Ariana Lake
Her Grandmother
Melinda Lake
In Honor of Brecklyn Reynolds’ birthday
Over 500 items for carepackages
10 blankets
Her family and friends.
In Honor of Mollly Rottinghaus
Aunt Katy
In honor of chdfamilies
Cliff Lovett
In honor of Ethan Rawley’s 7th birthday
Aunt Kim
In Memory of Cassidy Pellman
Grandma Mary Majerle’s Friends at Quintiles
David and Marcy Deatherage
Jason, Amy, and Libby Kepler
Amy & Ryan Diediker
Teresa Blongewicz
Julie Martin
Frances Kalich
Brook & Patrice Maese
Rex & Kellee Hearst
Gary & Karen Pellman
Marsha Cowan
Rick & Donna Vore
Cynthia Knight
Esther Bizal
Robert J. Matthews
Great-Aunt Lori and Lisa
Alison and Jason Fraser
Ezra, Karen & Bruce Smith
The Walgren Family
Debbie, Alan and Jonathan Edelman
Michal Cahlon
Hoefer Wysocki Architects
Mark & Joyce Neves
Brandi & Pete Majerle
Lori & Scott Nelson
Microsoft Matching funds
Joel and Jean Bratt
The Mendel Family
Melissa & Matt Costello
Adam Kepler
Mike & Candy Wagner
Carol Owen
Lana Borden
Elizabeth & Adam Woolfolk
Bob & Sue Strini
Rob & Diane Wagner
Jerry & MaryAnn Fischer
Renee & Tim Higgins
Suzanne & John Goodack
Vivian Dercher
Tim & Kathy Sanders
Lucy & Dustin Kelsey
Sharon & Tim Jansen
The Fohey Family: Mark & Lori, Travis & Christina
The Walker Family
Mike & Debbie O'Laughlin
Matt & Julie Pellman
Mike & Kathy Wagner
Shelley Hampton
Mark & Juliana Hudson
Joan Smugala
Shaun & Tara McCourt
Sherry & Gary Schmidle
In honor of Skyler Yount
On the three month anniversary of his open heart surgery
Rebecca Krause
In memory of Johnny Eason
Paul and Gina Bertrand
For CHD Awareness Month
In Honor of Jack Mitchell
Love, Mom and Dad
In honor of little Jack Mitchell
The Sutton Boys
In loving memory of our little angel
Natalie Grace Williamson
Love, Grandma & Grandpa Shore
In Honor of Breckyn's birthday.
Over 600 toiletry items, toys, and books
Family and Friends
In honor of Maura Wiens
Michael and Sara Duran
In memory of Carson Butler
And in honor of CHD Families Wear Jeans for CHD’s
Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP
In memory of Kaden Mulnick
Amanda Schaefer
Lisa Ruskanen
In memory of Noah Rexin
Johanna Janke
In honor of Landon Hoekstra
Kate Pharazyn
In memory of Jane De Selms
and Honor of Caylee Rodenbaugh
Robert and Aleta Fry
Janet and Jeffrey Delsemme
Marcella Green
In memory of Jane De Selms
and Honor of Caylee Rodenbaugh
Curtis and Olivia Wilson
VFW Post 7356
Robert and Mary Morris
Mary Dugan
In Honor of Maura Wiens
Grandma and Grandpa
In Honor of CHD Families
Melanie Hamilton Ulland
Tonya Jewel
Amy Tan
Gail Janke
Kristen Mitchell
Lily LaSala
Julie Creelman
Paul Strohm
In Memory of Dominic Cavallo
Darrell Bachtel
In memory of Florence S. Nelson
An in honor of her great Grandson Landon
William and Gail Klein
John and Claire McGovern
Susan Dallegro
Samuel and Shirley Lee
Charles and Mary Jane Schaefer
Millbridge Sunshine School
Dale and Dante Fetzer
Howrhu Self
Carol Mcrell
David and Joan Peirce
Frank and Ronda Pharzyn
In Honor of CHD Families
Jenna Bryan
Niki Wilcoxon Woods
Christin Howell
Carol Magers Keller
In Honor of Oliver’s Second birthday
Mommy and daddy
In memory of Johnny Eason
Gina and Paul Bertrand
In memory of Johnny Eason
Paul and Gina Bertrand
In Honor of Chloe Manz
Sandra Lippy
In Honor of CHD Families
Blues Springs City Theater
In Memory of Carson Butler
Pamela and Jeffery Holmberg
John Holmes
In honor of Gracie Taylor
In honor of CHD Families
Amy Tan
In Honor of CHD Families
Anonymous Donor
In memory of Carson Butler
Karen Brady
Todd and Denise Seim
Joan Taylor
Russell and Kathy Godfrey
Donald and Margaret Powell
Linda Paul
Randall and Rebecca Chappell
Jenae and Andrew Goodman
Crystal Harris
KD and ML Zimmerman
In Honor of Rylee Roberts
From Mom and Dad
In memory of Keith Jones
And in Honor of his Great Grandson Noel Lynch
Ruth and Kenneth Hill
Bruce and Shirley Hoelscher
Carlene Peters Family
Bod and Pat Vannoy
Vivian Miles
Mary and Janer Pereas Family
Ron and Rita Genebacher
Mike and Susie Peters
In Honor of Garrett Hale's Birthday
His mom and dad
In honor of Breckyn Reynolds 1st birthday
Monetary donations, NCK tools, and
250 pounds of toiletries for care packages
Her family and friends
In Honor of CHD Families
100 tickets
KC Royals
In Honor of CHD Families
Change for Charity Recipient
Zona Rosa
In Honor of CHD Families
United Way Campaign
In honor of Atley Bowles
And his mother Julie
Richard Finley
In memory of Lucille Stephani
Sandra Thompson
In memory of Tristin Fairbanks
On the anniversary of his loss
The Mitchell Family
In honor of Chloe Manz
Donation of money to purchase blankets
Mom and Dad
In Honor of CHD Families
Advanced Health Chiropractic
Dr. Cheryl L Pauls and Dr. Noelle P Van Meter
In Memory of Tristin Fairbanks
On his first birthday
The Mitchell Family
In honor of Bridger James Smith
Aunt Jessica
In Honor of Ryan Stratman
His parents
In Honor of Parker Fox
His parents
In Honor of Dylan
A heart friend
In Honor of Matthew Ringo
Friends and Family
Grandpa and Grandma Brewer
In Memory of Hamilton J Hammons
Marshall V. Miller, Miller & Company P.C.
Lucy Richardson
Joyce Guess (Grandmother)
Angela Hammons
In Memory of Johnny Eason
Amie Shull
Tom and Jeannie Apel
Paul and Gina Bertrand
In memory of Cloyse Herwegh
(Tristin's Grandfather)
W and L Darr
Helen Miller
Edyth Woolery
Norman and Nancy LaGore
In memory Of Tristin Fairbanks
Boxes of Material for blankets
Great Aunt Nancy
In Memory of Tristin Fairbanks
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Great Aunt Nancy
Montrose Station, KCPL
David and Ann Bruce
Grandpa and Grandma Pajer
Jerry and Marie Woolery
Frank and Joyce Dernovish,
Ralph and Dorothy Dirkensen
Donna Miller
John and Carolyn Orser
Pamela Fergueson
hlhs friend
Susan Uppman
In memory of Rory Stewart
Many donations from family and friends
In honor of Hailey
walking in honor of her brother Ethan,
Aunt Mary
In honor of
His little brother Seth Morey
Donovan Jones
In Memory of Norbert H. Knipp
and in Honor of Will Knipp
Debbie and Rick Johnston
Tom and Mary Martha Carrico
Janice E Stuart
The Knipp family and friends
Thomas and Jo Ann Letourneau
In Honor of Garrett Smokorowski
Theresa Cortez
In honor of Gianna DeFeo
on her first birthday
Great Grandfather
mommy and daddy
Thomas and Mary Kathleen Morgan
Uncle Anthony
In Memory of Margie Gould
and Honor of Kaden Mulnick
Nancy Bramley
Larry and Gini Colburn
Laurence and Mary Wiggins
Rick Gould
Decie and Katie Stone
Don and Beverly Freberg
Lisa Ruskanen
Richard and Patrica Kaufman
In Memory of
Sandon Keylan Waddell
Nancy Raughton
In memory of Johnny Eason
Paul and Gina Bertrand
Ruth Barone
Brian and Alicia Stewart
Steven and Sarah Soden
Mentor Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jente
Mr. and Mrs. John Auer
Mr.and Mrs. Gary Gilson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rephlo
Blackwell Sanders LLP
The Phoenix Consulting Group
Tracy Mackey
Bonni and Cecil Futch
Holly Henderson
Mike and Lisa McDonald
Jamie Bolen
Thomas and Stephanie Kramer
Dan L. Bennett, M.D. and his staff
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Centre
Dr. and Mrs. Jorge Paradelo
J.K. Zagoni
Terry and Grace Stanley
Tom and Rhonda Gerke
Shana Stelzer
Linda Gardner
Glenna Oidtman
Cindi and David Ebers
Ginny and John Eason
Vera Fortune
Don Fortune and Family
Ron Fortune and Family
Mary Zorn and Family
The Learning Tree LLC
Pascale Henn
Sean and Julie Roberts
Thomas and Mary Grimaldi
Bradley Bacon
Richard and Sabrina Korentager
Anne Conrad Duff
Howard and Beverly Bunton
Friends of Robert and Marilyn Howell
David and Deborah Lind
The Mulnick Family
Michael and Dorie Fragale
Paul and Joyce Rother
David Keuning
Chris Abele
Tammy Breitenbach
Beverly Russell
David and Salley Rorabaugh
Molly Roudebush
Arthur and Kareh Hawes
Jack and Sharon Pettijohn
Plastic Surgical Arts
Jeffery Colyer M.D.
Carl and Kathy Price
Darrel D. Domann
Louis and Ruth Rephlo
Chris and Liza Reitz
Claudia Toussaint
Scott Orazem
Marian Wilson
Kurt and Molly Boeckmann
Robert and Courtney Sprague
Morrie and Barbara Hietman
Robert and Denna Olsen
Bill and Pam Hacker
Haven and Barbara Rolander
Demaris and Kenneth Davis
Monty and Nancy Knight
Gianni Hughes
Richard and Kathryn Smith
Elizabeth Tridle
Steven and Rebecca Serck
Virginia and John Eason
Thomas and Katherine Rottinghaus
Amy Dickinson Holewinski
Nancy Mossman
Phyllis Kemper
Thomas and Carol McGarvey
John and Rebecca Brungardt
Mark and Anne Stokely
Brenda Spikler
Doug Dexter
Terry and Ginger Monson
Charlotta and Terence Duffy
Randall and Patricia Parker
In memory of Corbin Mellick
10 completed carepackages and blankets
for CMH
Family and Friends
In Memory of Johnny Eason
On his third birthday
The Robertsons
In memory of Jason Cleveland
Aunt Carol Zeller
In Honor of Sage Burnett
Judy Cummingham
In memory of Molly Grace Rottinghaus
Girl Scout Troop 5150
Kevin and Judith Glynn
TG and CA Heffern
Anthony and Susan Rinella
Carol Kostelac and Jane Leverich
Mildred Theno
Daniel and Katarina Trehey
David and Janis Mikesic
Randall and Mary Ann Kancel
Chad and Nancy Lasala
Rosemary Miller
Robert and Rosemary Runnebaum
Brock and Angela Gann
Ellen Cahill
Vera Shinn
Camille Lindquist
Joseph and Amy Reardon
Patricia Cahill
Keith and Martha Gann
Scott and Stephanie Moore
John Holton and Nancy Zielke
Derek and Peggy Miller
Christi and Mark Douglas
John and Ann Whigham
Thomas and Donna Rottinghaus
Richard and Kathleen Strecker
Dennis and Andrea Watson
David and Susan Grosko
Denis and Donna Callaghan,
Dennis and Susan Marx
Mary Etta Palmisano
John and Patricia Petty
Helen Rottinghaus
Tom and Mary Dailey
Donald and Mary Kathleen Puhr
Sherly Feutz-Harter
Keith and Sharon Vickers
Sarah and Sean Murry
Wesley Duke
Aunt Katie Rottinghaus
Joshua and Tricia Maxfield
McCornick, Adam & McDonald, PA
Lawrence and Joan Ward
William and Tiffany Duncan
Thomas and Jennifer Kelley
The Law Offices of Stephen R Bough
Shelley and Keith Ericsson
Jerry and Margaret Kenefake
John and Michaela Brady
Todd and Kristina Schieffer
Shugart, Thomas & Kilroy
Dr. and Mrs. Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Stamper
Jacob and Leslie Bayer
Wagstaff & Cartmell
Terrence and Kathy Glynn
Tina Boschert
Pete Browne and Julie Walker-Browne
Kissick Construction Co Inc
Erin Eppinger Barrett
Kathryn Covey
Carol Eppinger
Beth Driks,
The Askelsens
Bob and Vicki Fitzgerald
MOSAYC, Mothers of Saint Ann's Young Children
McAnany, Van Cleave & Phillips
Pam and Robert Kennedy
Janet and Arren Lovick
Patti Dunlay
Deborah and John Coe
Michael Shteamer
Mr and Mrs. John Jurcyck Jr
Janet Cockrell
Jennifer McAdam,
William and Bernardine Maher
Amber Eppinger-Dobson
Rick and Lori Worner
George Leonard
Alice and Lawrence McGurn
David L, Kaplan, Adult & Pediatric Dermatology
Scott A. Wissel
Greg J. Mermis
Al Boulware
James and Laurie Coullter
Jack Campbell
Steve and Marsha Ruse
Cynthia and Michael Boharty
Dale and Dan Boulware
Brandon and Sarah Lasala
Jess Guislain
In memory of Johnny Eason, who always had a
big smile on his face & loved Thomas the Train
as much as me. Watch over all the heart babies
in this world. I will miss our playdates together.
Love, Jack Robertson
In Memory of John Robert Eason
On behalf of his parents
Michael and Sarah Eason
And his grandparents John and Ginny Eason
Dr. Sarah Gars
In memory of Tania and
in honor of Joe's marathon
JH and EA Kim
In Memory of Tania
and in Honor of her brother Joe.
Kari Rawley
In Memory of Tania
and in honor of her brother Joe for doing a
marathon in her memory
Mark Kynese
In Memory of John Robert Eason
Carol McNary
Friends of Robert and Marilyn Howell
In memory of Alice Mae Rose
Mommy and Daddy
Papa and Nana
Matthew and Sarah Rose & Kyle and Lisa Rose
Many donations In Memory of Beverly Rawley
and in honor of her daughter Sarah Rawley and
her grandson Ethan Rawley
In Honor of Rose Klamm
A young friend
Donations of Labels from
Custom Couture Labels
Many meals from Jason's Deli