Mixing fears with play on Halloween: how we do the same with scary feelings for children with CHD
Everyday things that illustrate heart function: making heart function interactive at home
Thinking of the heart as a house: creative concepts for children to understand their "heart house"
Animated videos for children with CHD: easing anxiety and building child-appropriate understanding
The 911 emergency in the psyche of a 12-year-old boy: Understanding OCD in children with CHD
Hidden meanings of actions and reactions of children in therapy: the psychotherapy series
Questions to ask (yourself) when looking for a therapist for your child: the psychotherapy series
The traumatized child with CHD: understanding the traumatized child’s broadcast and how we respond
COVID-19 & children: how drawings can be helpful in accessing a child’s inner life
The emotional meaning behind physical symptoms
The dangers of forgetting the “Heart Worrier” inside your “Heart Warrior”
Children’s books in “CHD families”: don’t judge a book by its cover
Understanding guilt in "CHD families": the how and why of guilt reactions in children and parents
How to talk about CHD: Two systems of self-regulation in “CHD families”
“Play is the work of childhood”: Understanding the Importance of Play