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This project has grown out of a small donation of four flannel and percale blankets for heart kids Julie made in memory of Noah’s 4th birthday. They were so cute, “Blankets from the Heart” was born! We have been collecting 100% cotton flannel and 100% cotton percale, in solids or kid- friendly prints, to make CMH size-specific blankets for heart kids.  We have had a steady stream of new blankets arriving to heart kids at CMH almost every week, as we some wonderful friends and family helping us along with the sewing.  CHD Families has delivered over 900 blankets. If you would like to donate your sewing talents, 100% cotton fabric, or both, please send email to: We dedicate blankets in honor of your loved one for gifts of fabric and/or sewing.

Blankets from the Heart.

Blankets from the Heart Honor Roll.


In honor of Maggie

Many blankets, pillowcases and lovies.


Project Linus


In Honor of CHD Families

Many carepackage items and blankets

for his 14th birthday project

Gavin Godman


In honor of Andrew

The Cruz Family


In honor of Matthew Ringo 
a multitude of fleece blankets 
Tiffany Fellowship VBS 


In honor of CHD Families

Many pillowcases and Blankets

Melissa Ide-Laird


In Memory of Kean Meioli

Family Friend


In Honor of Matthew Ringo

Many items for carepackages


The Graden 4H's Club


In Honor of CHD Families

Blankets and Carepackage items.

Helping Families Serving Communities


In Honor of CHD Families

Many carepackage items and blankets

for his 13th birthday project

Gavin Godman


In Honor of Madix

His family and friends.

Many Carepackage items


In Honor of Parker Fox

Parker's mom


In honor of Matthew Ringo

Grandma Ringo


In memory of Addison Faith Gudde

Her family


In honor of their child

The Lake Family


In memory of Noah Rexin

Great Aunt Jutta


In memory of Jackson Thomas Sordi

Money for blanket material

Stacie Orsini


Handtied fleece blankets in honor of CHD Families

Gavin Godman's 12 year old birthday project


Handmade blankets in honor of Aaliyah

From Aaliayah's mom


Handmade blankets in honor of Brecken and Taylor 
From Taylor’s mother and Brecken’s grandmother 

In memory of Noah Rexin and in honor of Matthew Ringo 
a multitude of fleece blankets 
Tiffany Fellowship VBS 

In memory of Noah Rexin 
8 fleece blankets 
Chapel Oaks VBS 

In Honor of Jacob Mays 
His Grandmother 

Many Handmade quilts 
Nimble Thimble Quilters Guild 2010 

In honor of CHD Families 
Many fleece blankets and toiletries 
MOMS Club of Shawnee West 
and Oak Hill Elementary Ambassadors club 

In memory of Hamilton J. Hammons 
A finished sports theme blanket 

In honor of Alexander Situ Fansler 
Fabric to sew blankets 

Fabric and a blanket in honor of Immanuel Kendrick Maikori 
His brothers Isaiah and Isaac Maikori 
His parents Kendra and Ishaku Maikori 
His friends Delanie and Connor O’Neill 

In honor of Breckyn Reynolds 1st birthday 
30 finished blankets 
Her family and friends 

In honor of Wyatt Sludder 
Mommy and Teran 

In Memory of Dalton Ploutz 
Many finished large fleece tie blankets 
His parents and older sister. 

In Honor of Jake Stratton 
Many Finished large fleece tie blankets 
His family and grandparents 

In Honor of Lilah Oelke 
Many Beautiful blankets 
Her family and friends 

In Honor of Matthew Ringo 
Many blankets tagged with love 

In Honor of Taylor Katherine 
Many finished blankets 
Her grandmother 

In Honor of Gracie Taylor 
Many Finished Blankets 
Her Grandmother 

In Memory of Corbin Mellick 
10 finished blankets 
His family and friends 

In Honor Of Gracie Taylor 
Many finished Quilts 

In Honor of Matthew Ringo 
Many finished quilts 

In Memory of Tristin Fairbanks 
Many boxes of Fabric 
Great Aunt Nancy 

In Memory of Carl Vito 
Many finished Tie blankets 

In memory of Natalie 
Many finished blankets 
Mommy, Auntie and Grandma 

In Honor of Will 
and his brothers and sisters 
Many finished blankets 

In memory of Tania 
many beautiful finished blankets. 

In honor of Camden B. 
from his Great-Grandma Marilynn. 
a cuddly puppy dog blanket for another child to enjoy 
as much as Camden enjoys his “Blanket from the Heart.” 

In honor of Atley 
from his Grandma B. 
many beautiful and snuggly finished blankets. 

In honor of Taylor Katherine 
from Deanna B. and friends, 
an entire box of beautiful finished blankets! 

In memory of Noah 
from Grandma and Aunt Heather, 
many beautiful finished blankets. 

In honor of Zachary M. 
fabric for Bob the Builder and Care Bears blankets. 

In Honor of Rose Klamm 
Yards and yards of fabric from a young friend 

In Memory of Alice Mae Rose 
Fabric for blankets 

In Honor of Abi and Chloe 
from mommy/Aunt Noel 
Many finished blankets 

In Honor of Jack 
from mommy 
Many finished blankets 

In Honor of Cason 
From Grandma Shoe 
Many finished blankets 

In Memory of Carl Vito 
Many finished blankets

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